Surgeons & Facility
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), established in 1931, is the largest plastic surgery specialty organization in the world.
HealthGrades, the leading independent healthcare ratings company. Research hospitals, doctors, nursing homes, and more.
The Center for Outpatient Medicine, a private ambulatory surgery facility dedicated to providing excellent care in a professional environment. From the moment you enter our facility we will strive to make sure you are comfortable and informed each step of the way, and you feel confident before, during, and after surgery.
The Center also boasts the Bromenn Comfort and Care suites recovery care center. There are only 4 other recovery care centers in the state of Illinois. Currently the state of Illinois will not grant any other Certificates of Need (CON) for any other Recovery Care Center in the state. BCCS is the only facility of its kind in McLean County.
BCCS is a wonderful option for patients that need additional observation and/or pain control after surgery up to 48 hours.
Cosmetic Surgery
Smart Beauty Guide-an informational website endorsed by our premier aesthetic society, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), of which Dr. Randolph is a member. is your source for the most up-to-date, reliable information about breast augmentation and plastic surgery.
Twin City Plastic Surgery– Dr. Randolph shares and office with 2 other board certified plastic surgeons.
Oasis Medical Spa and Wellness– our medical spa within our office.
Injectable Safety provides the public with unbiased and necessary information on injectable cosmetic treatments, appropriate injectors and where to safely access cosmetic medical procedures.
BOTOX® Cosmetic injections are FDA-approved for the temporary treatment of frown lines and brow furrows.
Juvederm – – FDA approved for enhancement of deep facial lines and lip augmentation
Belotero – new filler better suited for superficial facial lines
Financing Options and Safety
Cosmetassure – cosmetic insurance carried on all of our cosmetic patients in the event of postop complication.
Care Credit– financing for cosmetic surgery endorsed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.